Finals Day 2010 took place on Saturday 20th March at Stamford Squash Club.
Players turning up early (11.30) for the Copperstore Open handicap included Peter Hand, Martin Page, Leo Guilliano, Leigh Johnson, Dave Batterbee, Eamonn Treanor and Martin Shippey.
There were some surprising scores – Peter Hand failing to break into positive numbers against Leo Guilliano being a prime example, but rumours (vigorously and repeatedly asserted by Leigh Johnson) that money had changed hands in the handicap setting carried out by Maurice Mosdell were strenuously denied by Martin Shippey (although he did go on to win, so he would wouldn’t he?).
Martin remained unbeaten throughout the competition, and Maurice still maintains that the large number of banknotes that he was later seen handing over the counter at Barclays was nothing to do with the competition and would only be ‘resting’ in his account.
The remaining Finals (winners can be found here) were efficiently organised and overseen by Maurice Mosdell, with hardly any controversy whatsoever, apart from when, in the Joseph Cup Final being played by Simon Barker and Mark Davies, a ball which was clearly seen by several onlookers to hit the wall a good foot outside the out of court line, bounce off a light fitting and land back in the court after hitting a spectator on the balcony was confidently ruled ‘in’ by Maurice, who later at the squash Club Dinner, after taking some refreshment, admitted he might possibly have been distracted at the time.
On a more serious note, I’d like to thank all those who took part in the competition for their time and enthusiasm, all those who organised the competitions and especially Maurice Mosdell for organising the whole of Finals Day, including the refreshments.
In the evening the club dinner was an enjoyable affair, photos taken by Mr Phil Bayman.