“May the 4th” be with you – Tania Team Training evening was a success
The ‘Tania Team Training’ evening held on Monday May 4th and sponsored by the club, was well attended and very successful.
Following the recent “Play Squash with Tania Bailey’ during which all club members were invited to come along and have a game with Tania, this event was designed to give current and potential team players a bit more of a workout and some tips from Tania’s professional eye on how to improve their game.
Initially players were divided into groups of three per court, carrying out boast and drive routines. These developed into drive, straight drop or boast routines, to keep the person at the front on their toes, and then straight- or cross-court drive, straight drop or boast to keep those at the back on their toes as well.
The routines then turned into drop-drive-drive and drop-drive, the objective being to improve playing to length from the front and playing short from the back, in addition to court movement.
During these Tania watched from the balcony, advising on movement and technique. The results were impressive, all players becoming aware of definite improvements attributable to the tips Tania was handing out. Players remarked on her ability to watch just a few points being played and then make a very accurate assessment of how to make slight changes (or sometimes not so slight) which often resulted in dramatic improvement.
Finally, players played normal games up to 5 points, watched by the rest and with Tania commenting and critiquing to those watching during the points and giving advice to the players themselves when finished. Everyone played and received the benefit of Tania’s advice, and all agreed that the evening had been very enjoyable and of enormous benefit.
Tania is now taking a break for a while but the club will definitely be organising other evenings both for all club players and team members during the year.